Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A conversation with a Muslim

The following texts are back and forth messages that took place on you tube, if you follow the dates take into account the man I’m speaking with is from the middle east, I’m not sure what part of that area exactly. The messages are clearly noted that he refuses to answer simple questions, by side stepping and shoving other subjects onto me it’s clear he has no real intention of holding a truthful conversation with an infidel that values her freedom and rights. The emails were started by me from a comment on a video about freedom of speech being under attack by radical Islamists that have nearly taken over the UK, and wish to take over this country; and have Sharia Law around the entire world. At the end of the day it’s clear those Muslims that claim the Quran is a book of peace, and Islam is peaceful don’t seem to want to stand up and speak against radical Islamists as well as Jihadists. If that is the case, then no Muslims has any right to claim others as racists if they refuse to stand against the “small groups” when it’s clear they are grouped as one “large group” of Islamists that truly do have an agenda of taking over the entire world. In both ways, by over breeding themselves into majorities, and us into extension, as well as demanding political correctness be continued so they pretty much get their way into allowing Islam to be the law of the world.

just between you and I

tell me something real, tell me what's so much better with Islam then it is with Christian faith? and yes I am open minded, I don't practice any religion, I'm a Constitutional Patriot, I believe in what I can see and what can actually be explained by science

Re:just between you and I

i dont want to convert any one unless they wanted to convert god convert you to islam not me . i read your website it was clearly antiislam website the first and third was lies and the middle was true ! you ppl say bad things like you read your god book to look for something wrong to say it and when i correct you you will say you are taqqiya .tell me what part of quran that allow taqqiya the name of the sura? if you cant then its sing from god you should follow . i hate it when ppl dont respect religions . if you keep that misunderstanding we all will kill eachother in religious wars ! american bomb iraq and iraq is not safe ppl here dies everyday because of you and now you dont respect religions , iam starting to hate your ppl so bad , you dont understand the pain we have because of you came and kill us and lie to your ppl . nothing more to say!!!!!!
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

that sounds more and more like you promoting taqiyya, I told you I'm not a religious lady, I believe what I see, so you will have to do a bit more to convince me of what you believe in for me to agree with anything you have said

come on use your brain, I have a feeling you are educated enough to inform me more then just a few random religious sentences

Re:just between you and I

to start with, the first half of the book is promoting a peaceful life, however when Muhammad was turned away from the Jewish religion, yes Jewish religion, he became a hateful and spiteful man, creating his own ideology on a pagan god, thus the later part of the book is more hateful, and he commands the followers of Islam to become a more hateful people, in fact it is then he creates Sharia as law to govern over the followers of his ideologist "religion" you can read all about it


this is my blog, and it has the information you seek that I already know about the religion, get mad all you want at everything I posted on my blog pages, but it's truth, and I have not seen nor heard a single Muslim stand up and tell me anything that promotes true peace and true intolerance coming from any muslim that pertains peace and equality for both men and women in that "religion"

so as I said, if you can give me concrete proof about your ideologist "religion" I'm willing to listen, but stop with the religious sentences and you promoting taqiyya, cause frankly I'm tired of the lies and I have no time to listen or read them

Re:just between you and I

religions shouldnt be forced . no hate with religions (no one forced to religions) that is in quran ...you are free if you believe or not . if muslims and jews want to do their religious laws let them apply to them . i respect your right .show white and black face , show white face to respect freedom of religions and show black face when these mossad who say they are muslims , your country is evil its full of nazis and Zionist and your gov is mossad work with alqeda and blackwaters lol . sorry !
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

hate you? I'm simply asking you if you can tell me something that would convince me I'm wrong, you keep saying it's the media, when in fact I don't even listen to the media about Islam, I look at the hundreds of videos here on YT that come from members of the Islam religion, it's clear what's going on, hate, nope, I don't hate anyone, it's clear you can't convince me so ok have a good day

Re:just between you and I

dont think you are the only one suffering from these religious scums in iraq we know that they are working with mossad to create more wars for greedy oil-money.now they shove the agenda in your media to make muslims look bad while behind closed doors usa cia is alqeda ! there will be wars if ppl believes them !!!
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

first thank you for writing more then just a sentence, it's pretty hard to have a conversation with someone when they don't communicate their point, when I first heard about Islam it had been a few years since I turned my back on the Christian faith, I was born into that religion, and grew up in it, but I never found it truly something to believe in, as a Christian growing up into a young lady and into my 20's I lost a lot, I prayed a lot, I asked God questions I never got answers to, other then Priests telling me God answer in his own time, and pray more, that didn't answer my questions to God, so when I was in my 30's I had enough of the games that seemed to be played on me, so I turned my back on God, things seemed to be ok for some years, I had hard times, but I lived my life and went on, now moving on many years later Islam comes to light, no one knows about this religion in the west, Muslims always said it's a religion of peace, read the Quran you will see, well I got a hold of an English translation and again, another holy book with contradicting passages, then I turned to the internet and found out the earlier passages were written before Muhammad was turned away from the Jewish faith, and this was a shock to me since I had also heard those following that religion were against Jews, then it made since about the later passages he wrote, more towards hating the Jews and anyone that doesn't follow the religion, a few years more and YT became a major web site, and what do I find? many upon many upon so many more videos of Muslims against anyone not of that religion, so please tell me one thing, the one thing I'm asking and answer for, the answer you have not told me yet, if Islam is a religion of peace, and so many muslims claim it's a few small groups of radicals and not all muslims that hate the west, then why have no muslims stood in front of a camera and shouted to the world, that group of muslims doesn't speak for me or my family or my neighborhood, if Islam is really a religion of peace, then why are muslims not fighting for that to be heard and seen, in other words I see muslims themselves shouting I hate the west, Islam will rule the world, Sharia Law will be the law in every country, as well as images of muslims stoning women, cutting hands off, beheading people in the name of honor killings, come on man if your about peace you need to let the west know, cause you and other non radical muslims sitting there letting things happen the way they are is not helping your cause, now that's about as basic as I can make it, that's about as polite as I can be with this subject, I want you to tell me why your letting the radical muslims speak for you?

Re:just between you and I

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxK70LnRBoQ i notice american sleeping in the iraqi airport with half of their clothes !
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

so many Americans did speak against the war, too bad the Government wasn't listening, you see after our beloved JFK was assassinated things in the White House went out of control fast, it's not the people that want war, it's the greedy bankers that have bought our politicians, the greedy bankers pay for both sides of war, and no matter who wins or loses the war, they always win, also our armed forces are controlled by the White House, so you see the major problem there, about 90% of Marines hate being stationed in your countries over seas because they know it's the White House that wants them there, problem is they can't speak up about it, they are trained from day one to follow orders, even if it costs them their lives, it's not a matter of right and wrong here, it's who controls the White House, and for many many years now we have always lived in a state of declaring war on someone or some country because the big bankers control everything, trust me if radical muslims weren't shoving Islam down our throats and demanding our Constitution be eliminated no one would be against Islam, I for one don't care about religion, or peoples skin color, what I do care about is radical muslims trying to change the west, that's when I step up and speak my mind on how I see things, I don't hate you, I don't hate your country, I hate those that are shoving Islam down our throats and trying to enforce Sharia Law in this country, that's it, that's what I hate, the fact others that don't understand the meaning of what the founding fathers did for this country, I can tell you this with all the love I have in my heart, I love my country, I hate my Government

Re:just between you and I

http://www.elblogdelnarco.com/2013/06/video-fuerte-en-donde-los-zetas.html#ixzz2VBJLo6Ui i worn you this video is violent . iam sick from humans now!!!!!!!
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

I can't watch the video in my area

Re:just between you and I

its was about beheading -kiddnapping and torn thier clothes and beheading them and then cut their bodies in small pieces of the women in mexico one of them was old . media doesnt show it . iam glad you didnt watched it violent video . sick humans!
Sent to: VegasLady41

Re:just between you and I

Mexico is the most corrupt country on the face of this earth, the White House sends money and guns south of the border, looks away while drugs come north into America, there is no real war on drugs, if there was drugs wouldn't even make it 50 miles towards the border, there is only drug cartels in Mexico, no real government, why do you think so many illegal aliens from Mexico comes to America

a few days later he once again wrote me


you said and saying no muslims no shria law in usa . and talking - and you say its you freedom . i wont send you what american did to iraq when they left material in school more than 100 teen girls get cancer from it . and not the birth defect from the you americans since than 90s . see the videos of your american freedom enjoy ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hszf4WfLmAE
Sent to: VegasLady41


I will tell you what I think of war, it's fucking stupid and pointless, and in the end no one truly wins anything of real value, now according to the U.S. Government were always declaring war on something or somebody, or even some third world country, and to me I hate them doing that cause it's really not a real war to end anything, because of the big banks funding both sides it's not a war, it's a sponge at money, and because the big banks have been buying off our Government since JFK was killed only they win, and America has been losing ever since, it's been a losing race to try and get a whole new Government into office and get rid of the corrupt politicians, the only way for it to happen is if this country was to have another civil war, and no one wants to start it because no matter who wins that war, this country would be left with a vacuum so BIG, Canada can claim the country without even firing a single shot, not saying Canada is against us, just saying it would be that easy for any other country to claim this country as theirs, and things would be far worse for us, so were left with the lesser of two evils, and as much as I hate my Government, I would hate China or North Korea running this country a lot more

look point is this, me I don't care what race others are, I don't care what religion they follow, I just want to make sure this country is never OVERRUN by illegal aliens, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights remains this countries law and will never be challenged by another set of laws that has no place in this country, that's it, that's all I care about, you wanna come to this country for a better life, shit go for it, come over, but do it the right way, come legally, get your green card, become a valued tax paying American that's willing to follow this countries laws and not demand your own set of laws, then try and shove your religion down everyones throats and call them a racist cause they don't like your religion and laws, or get offend because Americans practice free speech


usa is funding alqeda . the usa gov is best allies to alqeda . america sons still in endless war afaganstan .your freedom have been taking slowly by your gov they even spy on the internet as iam typing . you believe muslims are evil want to make america muslims country let me tell you something if some one invite you to their religion that mean they care and dont want you to go to the hell .the bankers in your country are biggest scum in earth they are ready to kill you and blame others so they have wars for their benefits like they did in 9-11 .you are brainwashed by media that this evil and this is good sad to watch but question to you . where is your love to america when it came to losing your freedom slowly by your gov ?
Sent to: VegasLady41


you do bring up good points, let me ask you this then, in what way would your country benefit me? also in what way would your religion benefit me?

also I am one person, I'm not in any political office to change what's happening, as I said I don't hate you or your country, but I think it's wrong that the non radical muslims don't take a stand against those that are trying to radicalize Islam and give a bad image on muslims all over the world


if you love your country and want your country to be loved from all over the world then stop the wars to make bankers in your country become richer and you look stupid sorry but your media is brainwashing you to hate one religion -country so you have more wars and america sons from middle class go to do endless pointless wars / media can be use as weapon too i bet the bankers own your media from cnn-bbc-fox ect... ! dont hate some one because he is diff . dont worry i wont came to usa . i hate usa because i think its racists country and wars lover . i think usa is savages country that destroyed my country for oil . usa ppl hate things that ppl cant change like skin colors and religions that is really stupid!!!
Sent to: VegasLady41

I skipped answering that one, he sent two more the next day within a few minutes


your fault . we live in our country and have our religions you the one to start the wars you are the one who did 9-11 you are the one who fund alqeda . may be killing us for oil doesnt benefit you but sure it benefit the bankers in usa . your are brainwashed to hate by media for more blood oil wars the prove look at yourself !
Sent to: VegasLady41


usa gov is funding alqeda . 60 millions to fsa in syria. fsa eat hearts of asad army . your stupidity is used by mossad to make you have die for israel . you are now dying for israel not for america . radical muslims what so called are allies to mossad and qatar and saudi gov . why you think usa gov is allies to saudi gov -qatar gov to collect alqeda to attack you and blame it on us and attack us and blame it on you !
Sent to: VegasLady41


ok you know what, you keep repeating the same things over and over, and you keep blaming me for something I have no control over, as well as now your stooping to insulting me, but see I'm not mad or offend at you for such none sense, because all your doing now is talking out your ass, if you can't find a more sensible message to send to me, stop sending me messages, I have done nothing but give you the benefit of the doubt, as well as asked you for simple explanations and you have come back with nothing but hate towards me because of my government and the big banks, so if your going to continue with your load of BS, I have nothing more to talk with you about, so stop talking DOWN at me, and talk to me if you wish to have civilized conversation, I told you I have nothing against you nor your country, and your acting like a raving mad man, stop the BS, and talk like two civilized human beings


you let your civil gov take your freedom . your civil gov destroyed -killed innocents at their home . in the name of freedom you can say no to your gov action ! no i thought america is not savages country lol. no offense though :)
Sent to: VegasLady41

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